MongoDB Applied Design Patterns by Rick Copeland (O’Reilly Media) is another in a series of patterns books that I would highly recommend for the implementer that knows the technology but is trying to discover if a previous solution (via a pattern) has been found for their problem.
As to the reader, MongoDB Applied Design Patterns is not for the MongoDB “Hello World” level implementer. There is a basic assumption that the reader understands how to implement basic MongoDB solutions and is now ready to implement more advanced solutions using established patterns. The Use Cases in the second half of the book were probably the most useful for me. It not only gave me ideas of how to solve certain patterns of problems, but allowed me to explore features of MongoDB that I had not had a chance to explore.
I appreciated that Copeland explored several important topics at the beginning of the book. For example, he takes time to explain how important it is to MongoDB solutions for optimization to be considered at the beginning of the design vs. afterwards. Along with those lessons, Copeland provides detailed examples of the “why” instead of leaving the reader to just trust his statements.
I’d highly recommend MongoDB Applied Design Patterns to the implementer that is ready to move beyond the basics and move into highly viable and scalable solutions using MongoDB pattern as their initial template.
Disclaimer: I received a free electronic copy of this book as part of the O’Reilly Blogger Program
Thanks for the kind words, Jason! I’m glad you liked the book; I know that I learned quite a bit myself in exploring some of the more advanced MongoDB features when I was writing the book as well 😉